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- Numbering of tables and figures follows the order in which they appear in the text. Tables (Table 1, Table 2…) are numbered separately from figures (Figure 1, Figure 2…).
- Tables and figures are referred to within parentheses rather than stating “Table one shows that…”
- Laying order was a highly significant predictor of hatching order (partial correlation coefficient R = 0.77, F,175 = 264, P < 0.001; Fig. 1). (Clotfelter et al. 2000)
- In aph-1 mutant embryos, APH-2 was not detectable on the cell surface, and was instead prominent in the cytoplasm of all four cells, where it was concentrated around the nucleus in a pattern characteristic of the endoplasmic reticulum (Fig. 3d). (Goutte et al. 2002)