A vital component of scientific writing is accurately crediting authors for their work. To do so, we cite both within the text and list a full citation in the literature cited section of the paper.
Literature Cited

In-text citations
In biology, we approach citations differently than you might have seen elsewhere. In general we aim to avoid direct quotes in scientific writing. Instead, we paraphrase what the author has said or found. Primarily cite by using a parenthetical reference at the end of the sentences providing information from your source. Rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus)…

Literature cited section
Include all and only sources cited within the text. Unless otherwise directed by your professor, use only primary sources. A primary source describes original work by the author. For instance, an example of a primary source would be a journal article that describes effects of temperature and dissolved oxygen on antioxidant defenses in minnows (Clotfelter…

Citation style
Each scientific journal has its own style of citing information, so you will want to avoid following citation styles you may have encountered elsewhere. Instead, your professor will indicate which journal style to follow. To follow that style, you can obtain a recent article from that journal and emulate the style of citations both in the text…